Islamic University of Minnesota



Asalam Alaykum Dear Students,


We are here to support and guide you as you navigate your academic journey. Whether you're just starting out or furthering your studies, our goal is to help you succeed and reach your full potential.

Our academic advisors are dedicated to assisting you in making informed decisions about your educational path. They provide valuable advice on course selection, degree requirements, and study strategies and can guide you through any academic challenges you might face. They also help connect students with the many resources available on campus, from career services to student support groups.

Whether you're pursuing Islamic Studies, Shariah, or any of our other offered programs, our advisors know the specific requirements and opportunities associated with your field of study. They can help you align your academic goals with your career aspirations, ensuring you're on the right path.

Remember, academic advising is a collaborative process, and we encourage you to actively participate in your education. Schedule regular meetings with your advisor, come prepared with any questions or concerns, and be open to the advice and guidance they can provide.


Thank you for choosing Islamic University of Minnesota for your studies. We look forward to supporting you on your academic journey.

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